Art and design that gives space to breath in natural beauty around and within.

Summer Flower Subscription

Summer flower subscription begins mid-June and includes a weekly bouquet for 12 weeks. Choice of pick up on Mondays or Wednesdays. Flowers included will vary depending what is available and in season.

Cost: $250 for 12 weeks

(Please note: contact will be made about starting date)

Questions? send an email to

Hand Crafted, Sustainably Designed

One of the principles of permaculture is “Create a Yield”. Here at the Creasy Homestead our productive landscape has helped us birth Larkspur Design. This new venture houses our homestead based art, carpentry, craft, permaculture education and permaculture landscape design. We hope you’ll take a look around and see what offerings we have that might bring beauty, creative exploration and sustainability into your life.


Permaculture Education with Larkspur Design,

New “Food Forest and Perennial Agriculture” class just added!